Monthly Exception Reporting

To:  Management Council Members, VPs of Finance, and Business Managers

From:  Shared Services Center

Area:  Accounts Payable

Reason:  Monthly exception reporting

Date:  December 9, 2021

Per the Service Level Agreement dated June 4, 2021, the Shared Services Center is to “provide monthly reporting to customers on Accounts Payable exceptions”.  Please find your November exception report showing the first pass yield for your agency and the number and type of error codes assigned to the invoices received.  “First pass yield” refers to the % of vouchers that are successfully matched to purchase orders and received goods.

When a voucher is not matched on the first attempt, it means that more work has to occur both at the College and the SSC to resolve any issues.  Achieving a higher level of “first pass yield” therefore saves time and effort across the VCCS.

Each month, we hope you will take a moment to review the metrics relevant to your agency and work together with us to help improve our mutual processes.  We’re happy to help!

If you have any questions, please contact the SSC Customer Engagement team, 877-340-5577 or

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