PeopleAdmin Postings

To: Management Council Members, CHROs, and Agency ATS Contacts
From: Shared Services Center
Area: Applicant Tracking
Reason: PeopleAdmin Postings
Date: August 27, 2021

PeopleAdmin recently conducted an HTML upgrade which has impacted the logo and college synopsis that appears on all postings’ job descriptions. The upgrade has resulted in VCCS postings failing to meet ADA compliance as the text is within an image and cannot be read by a screen reader function. PeopleAdmin is currently working on a resolution.

In the interim, the SSC ATS team will adjust each posting by removing the current logo and text file that is included in the job description and replace it with text only. An example is below:

logo with texttext only

ATS will continue to monitor the daily integration to ensure postings are updated accordingly.

We will update you to any changes as they occur.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please email ats.

Thank you for your patience!

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