Semi-Monthly Annual/Sick Leave Accruals for Terminating Employees


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Shared Services Center


Time, Labor, and Absence Management (TLAM)


Semi-Monthly Annual/Sick Leave Accruals for Terminating Employees


June 7, 2024


Accruals for Terminating Employees

The VCCS has been made aware of an issue occurring when a Salaried Employee is terminated in the middle of the pay period.

SSC and System Office ITS are actively researching a solution.

Issue: When Salaried Employees terminate with an effective date that does not begin at the beginning of the pay period, the semi-monthly accrual process continues, when it should not. Employees who do not complete a full pay period (the 10th - 24th, or the 25th - 9th), should not earn a semi-monthly accrual. The HCM system is currently not recognizing this rule. We believe this may have begun with the 9.2 upgrade in March 2022. The erroneous accruals cannot be removed at this time, but terminated employees are no longer processing through Absence Management nor accruing leave.

Action: If you have a Salaried Employee terminating in the middle of a pay period, please ensure that these erroneous semi-monthly accruals are not included in leave payout calculations sent to Payroll. You can use the VX_HR_JOB_UPDATES to determine terminated employees and their effective date.

The SSC will notify you when a resolution is available and of any required adjustments.

Thank you for your patience as we work diligently to address this issue.

Please share this information with all appropriate parties and contact if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you,


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