Training Videos Available as Confirmation Testing Continues

To:                 Management Council, CHROs, and Hire to Retire Contacts

From:            Shared Services Center

Area:             Hire to Retire

Reason:        Training Videos Available as Confirmation Testing Continues

Date:             April 15, 2024

As many of you know, the new Avature portal for Managers and HR Administrators is available for use, however not without some challenges. Due to the technical issues that were communicated last week, we have extended confirmation testing in the live environment and will continue to communicate updates. SSC HR Ops and Avature are working diligently to correct any issues that colleges are currently experiencing. Please continue to let us know if you have questions or problems so we can address them promptly.

In the meantime, we realize not everyone was able to attend the live demos the past two weeks, and we now have brief demonstration and training videos on a variety of topics available on the SSC site:

  • College HR User Portal Overview
  • Avature Portal Manager Overview
  • How to Complete a Task
  • How to Delegate your Tasks

The videos only take a few minutes to view and can help you become familiar with the new portal. Please visit Public Training Videos under Hire To Retire in the Human Resources Operations tab of the Shared Services Center website, or click on the direct link here.

public training videos

When you are ready to check out the Portal on your own, there are several ways you can access it to complete your onboarding and offboarding tasks.

  • You will continue to receive Avature emails notifying you of tasks that are due and can click on the Portal Link directly from the email
  • You can access the site by using the Avature Manager/ Admin Portal tile on the MyVCCS landing page

avature admin and manager portal

For questions, please contact Hire to Retire  or the SSC Customer Engagement team at 877-340-5577 or

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