Exception Queues

To:  Management Council Members, VPs of Finance, and Business Managers

From:  Shared Services Center

Area:  Accounts Payable

Reason:  Exception Queues

Date:  December 14, 2022

As the holiday break rapidly approaches, please work to empty your Exception queue before the break as this will assist in timely processing and meeting the Prompt Pay statute. As of today, December 14, there are 1,698 total items in all the Exception queues. Accounts Payable emptied the Waiting for Receipt queue on December 1 and put any items still to be received in your college’s Exception queue just as we do at fiscal year-end.  Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Exception queue counts:

accounts payable exceptions queue

If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact SSC Customer Engagement at 877-340-5577 or help@ssc.vccs.edu.

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