Time Admin Process Change

To: Management Council Members, CHROs, Agency TLAM Contacts, and Payroll Contacts

From: Shared Services Center

Area: Time and Labor and Absence Management

Reason: HRMS – Time Administration Process

Date: April 20, 2021

Re: Time Admin Process Change

System Office ITS has identified a solution with the Time Admin Process that will resolve some identified payable time calculation issues within the VCCS PeopleSoft (HRMS) system. Shared Services Center HR Operations team has successfully tested the change and will assist ITS with the transition for each college. We will transition the colleges in a phased approach outlined in the attached pdf.

Please share this memo and the attached pdf with the employees responsible for the Time Admin and Payroll processes at your college. In addition, below are three (3) Zoom meeting options for college representatives to join where we will provide an overview of the new process and answer questions.

Please contact SSCHRO_HRMS if you have any questions or concerns.

Time Admin process change instructions v2.pdf

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